Al Depope

A short genomic VAMP (gVAMP) tutorial

Table of contents

This tutorial will cover the following topics:

1. downloading gVAMP code from Git repository
2. compiling gVAMP code in the HPC (High-Performance Computing) environment
3. inferring effect in the Bayesian linear model
4. calculation of marker p-values using Leave-on-out (LOO) or Leave-One-Chromosome-Out (LOCO) method
5. obtaining out-of-sample prediction accuracy
6. Running gVAMP on the DNAnexus platform using Docker

0. About gVAMP: Inference under Bayesian Linear model with Spike-and-Slab mixture of Gaussians prior

Bayesian linear regression is the most widely used model interpretable model for high-dimensional inference in life sciences, and it allows for information on the signal structure to be incorporated in the inference process. We wish to estimate the high-dimensional signal vector \(\mathbf{\beta}\in \mathbb{R}^P\) from a vector of phenotype measurements \(\mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{R}^N\) given by the following linear relationship:

\[\Large y_i = \langle \mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{\beta} \rangle + \epsilon_i, \quad \text{ for } i\in \{1, \ldots, N\}.\]

Here, \(\mathbf{x}_i\) is a row vector of the normalized genotype matrix \(\mathbf{X}\), \(`\langle \mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{\beta} \rangle = \mathbf{x}_i^T \mathbf{\beta}`\) denotes the Euclidean inner product, and \(\mathbf{\epsilon} = (\epsilon_1, \ldots, \epsilon_N)\) is an unknown noise vector that is assumed to follow the multivariate normal distribution

\[\Large \mathbf{\epsilon} \sim \mathcal N(0, \gamma_{\epsilon}^{-1} \cdot {\mathbf{I}}_N)\]

with unknown noise precision parameter \(\gamma_{\epsilon}^{-1}\). To allow for a range of genetic effects, from heavy-tail distributions to sparse ones, we model the prior on the signal \(\mathbf{\beta}\) to be of a spike-and-slab form. Namely, for \(i=1, \dots, P\), we use mixture of Gaussian distributions to model the slab component. Namely,

\[\Large\beta_i \sim (1-\lambda) \cdot \delta_0(\cdot) + \lambda \cdot \sum^{L}_{i=1} \pi_i \cdot \mathcal{N}(\cdot, 0, \sigma_i^2).\]

The gVAMP is an iterative procedure consisting of two steps: (i) denoising, and (ii) linear minimum mean square error estimation (LMMSE). The denoising step accounts for the prior structure given a noisy estimate of the signal \(\mathbf{\beta}\), while the LMMSE step utilizes phenotype values to further refine the estimate. The key feature of EM-VAMP is in the so called Onsager correction: this is added to ensure the asymptotic normality of the noise corrupting the estimates of \(\mathbf{\beta}\) given by the algorithm at every iteration. This property then – together with an estimate of noise precision also obtained from the algorithm – allows a precise performance analysis via state evolution and, consequently, the optimization of the denoisers. Schematically, the inference procedure can be summarized as follows:

graph TD;

1. Downloading gVAMP code from Git repository

To download the git repository one can simple use git clone command. After entering the following command in the command line

git clone

the latest version of source code of gVAMP will be downloaded in your current directory.

2. Compiling gVAMP code in the HPC (High-Performance Computing) environment

gVAMP uses boost and openmpi libraries. Additionally, one needs gcc library for compilation of the code. Here is an example of the code that loads modules gcc, openmpi and boost and compiles the gVAMP source code into an executable stored in loc and named main_real.exe.

module purge

module load gcc openmpi boost

module list 

loc={a path to cpp_vamp folder}

mpic++ /$loc/main_real.cpp /$loc/vamp.cpp /$loc/utilities.cpp /$loc/data.cpp /$loc/options.cpp -march=native -DMANVECT -Ofast -g -fopenmp -lstdc++fs -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -o  /$loc/main_real.exe

3. Inferring genetic effects under a Bayesian linear model

We provide an example of a SLURM script that request resources and run the gVAMP. Each bash script must start with #!/bin/bash. The script below requests 30 workers with 2 CPUs each and 5GB of memory per CPU.


#SBATCH --job-name=EOSI1
#SBATCH --time=02-00:00:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=5gb
#SBATCH --ntasks=30
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --output={location and name of the log file connected to your run}.log

module purge
ml boost openmpi
module list 


# printing out the details of the job
out_dir={absolute path to the directory in which one wants the output to be written in}
phen_file_loc={absolute path to the .phen file which contains phenotype values}
bed_file_loc={absolute path to the .bed file}

bed_name={name of the bed file, ex. 'ukb22828_UKB_EST_v3_ldp08_fd_EOSI_train'}
phen_name={name of the file containing phenotypes, ex. 'ukb22828_UKB_EST_v3_ldp08_fd_EOSI_train'}

echo "bed_name = " ${bed_name} 
echo "phen_name = " ${phen_name} 

# Specifying the total number of markers in the model (Mt)

vloc={absolute path to the folder that contains .exe file obtained from compiling the code in the previous step}

time mpirun -np 30 $vloc/main_real.exe --bed-file ${bed_file_loc}/${bed_name}.bed \
                                --phen-files ${phen_file_loc}/${phen_name}.phen \
                                --N 401452 \
                                --Mt ${Mt} \
                                --out-dir ${out_dir} \
                                --out-name x1_hat_EOSI_${bed_name}_G1 \
                                --iterations 35 \
                                --num-mix-comp 23 \
                                --CG-max-iter 100 \
                                --probs 9.700000000000e-01,1.500000357658e-02,7.500001788289e-03,3.750000894144e-03,1.875000447072e-03,9.375002235361e-04,4.687501117680e-04,2.343750558840e-04,1.171875279420e-04,5.859376397100e-05,2.929688198550e-05,1.464844099275e-05,7.324219246375e-06,3.662110873188e-06,1.831055186594e-06,9.155274682969e-07,4.577638591485e-07,2.288818795742e-07,1.144409522871e-07,5.722046364356e-08,2.861023182178e-08,1.430511841089e-08,7.152559205445e-09 \
                                --vars 0,0.0000001,0.0000002238,0.0000005,0.00000112,0.00000251,0.00000561,0.000012565,0.00002812,0.0000629,0.0001408448,0.0003152106,0.0007054413,0.001578778,0.001578778,0.003533305,0.007907536,0.01769706,0.03960603,0.0886383,0.1983725,0.4439577,0.9935773 \
                                --model linear \
                                --run-mode infere \
                                --store-pvals 0 \
                                --learn-vars 1 \
                                --rho 0.1

3.1. Currently supported options

We proceed with a list of currently supported input options to the software:

Input option Description
run-mode ‘infere’ / ‘test’ / ‘both’
bim-file filepath to .bim file including the .bim extension
bed-file filepath to .bed file including the .bed extension
bed-file-test filepath to .bed file reserved for testing purposes
phen-files path to file containing phenotype of interest (only 1 phenotype supportet at the moment)
phen-files-test path to phenotype file reserved for testing purposes
cov-file filepath to .cov file including the .cov extension (covariates in a probit model)
N number of individuals included in the inference process
N-test number of individuals included in a testing dataset
Mt-test total number of markers included in a testing dataset
Mt total number of markers included in the infrence process
out-dir output directory for the signal estimates
out-name name of the output file
iterations maximal number of iterations to be performed
num-mix-comp number of gaussian mixture components used (including delta spike at zero)
CG-max-iter maximal number of iteration used in conjugate gradient method for solving linear systems
probs initial prior mixture coefficients (separated by comma, must sum up to 1)
vars initial prior variances (separated by comma)
rho initial value of damping factor
EM-err-thr relative error threshold within expectation maximization
EM-max-iter maximal number of iterations of expectation maximization procedure
stop-criteria-thr relative error threshold within expectation maximization
model regression model that describes a relationship between effect sizes and phenotypes (‘linear’ or ‘bin_class’)
store-pvals indicates wheather or not the algorithm stores p-values from association tests of each of the markers
test-iter-range indicates the iteration range for which R2 on a test set is calculated
h2 heritability value used in simulations
CV number of causal variants used in simulations
true_signal_file path to file containing true value of the signal
alpha scaling factor applied in the normalization of a genotype matrix
learn-vars indicates wheather or not prior variances are learnt
alpha-scale columns of genotype matrix are scaled with std^(-alpha-scale)
gam1-init initial value of gam1 in the restart scenario
gamw-init initial value of gamw in the restart scenario
init-est indicates whether or not we initialze gVAMP with an estimate provided in estimate-file
seed defines a seed for the gVAMP run (must be a non-negative integer)

3.2. Input formats

Given that there are many formats in which the input data can be stored we finish this subsection by precisely describing the format of the input files:

  1. –bed-file requires an absolute path to genotype data stored in PLINK format (
  2. –phen-files requires an absolute path to a .phen file which does NOT contain header and has the following structure:
| IID | FID | phenotypic_value | | --- | --- | --- | ...

4. Calculation of marker p-values using LOO or LOCO method

We provide an example of a SLURM script that runs gVAMP for the purpose of calculating marker p-values using Leave-One-Out (LOO) and/or Leave-One-Chromosome-Out (LOCO) method. The software calculates the p-values using LOO and/or LOCO method depending on the value of the store_pvals parameter that is passed as an input option. If store_pvals = 0 (default value), then the code runs both LOO and LOCO-based p-value calculations. If its value is set to 1, then only LOO is run and if it is set to 2, then only LOCO is run.

#SBATCH --job-name=run_VAMP_EOSI_217_pvals
#SBATCH --time=0-11:45:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 8gb
#SBATCH --ntasks 26
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 2
#SBATCH --output=VAMP_EOSI_217_pvals.log

module purge
ml openmpi boost
module list 


# printing out the details of the job
out_dir={absolute path to the directory in which one wants the output to be written in}
phen_file_loc={absolute path to the .phen file which contains phenotype values}
bed_file_loc={absolute path to the .bed file}

bed_name={name of the bed file, ex. 'ukb22828_UKB_EST_v3_ldp08_fd_EOSI_train'}
phen_name={name of the file containing phenotypes, ex. 'ukb22828_UKB_EST_v3_ldp08_fd_EOSI_train'}

echo "bed_name = " ${bed_name} 
echo "phen_name = " ${phen_name} 

# Specifying the total number of markers in the model (Mt)

vloc={absolute path to the folder that contains .exe file obtained from compiling the code in the previous step}

time mpirun -np 26 $vloc/main_real.exe --bed-file  ${bed_file_loc}/${bed_name}.bed \
				--bim-file  ${bed_file_loc}/${bed_name}.bim \
                                --phen-files ${phen_file_loc}/${phen_name}.phen \
                                --Mt ${Mt} \
                                --N 401452 \
                                --estimate-file {absolute path to .bin estimate file} \
                                --run-mode pvals-calc \
                                --out-dir ${out_dir} \
                                --out-name EOSI_217_pvals_it22

5. Obtaining out-of-sample prediction accuracy

We provide an example of a SLURM script that runs gVAMP for the purpose of calculating out-of-sample prediction accuracy.


#SBATCH --job-name=EOSIt
#SBATCH --time=0-03:20:00
#SBATCH --mem 20gb
#SBATCH --ntasks 2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 2
#SBATCH --output=VAMP_217_EOSI_test.log

module purge
ml boost openmpi
module list 


# printing out the details of the job
out_dir={absolute path to the directory in which one wants the output to be written in}
phen_file_loc={absolute path to the .phen file which contains phenotype values}
bed_file_loc={absolute path to the .bed file}

bed_name={name of the bed file, ex. 'ukb22828_UKB_EST_v3_ldp08_fd_EOSI_test'}
phen_name={name of the file containing phenotypes, ex. 'ukb22828_UKB_EST_v3_ldp08_fd_EOSI_test'}

echo "bed_name = " ${bed_name} 
echo "phen_name = " ${phen_name} 

# Specifying the total number of markers in the model (Mt)

vloc={absolute path to the folder that contains .exe file obtained from compiling the code in the previous step}

time mpirun -np 2 $vloc/main_real.exe --bed-file-test  ${bed_file_loc}/${bed_name}.bed \
                                --phen-files-test ${phen_loc}/${phen_name}.phen \
                                --N-test 15000 \
                                --Mt-test 2174071 \
				--test-iter-range 1,35 \
                                --estimate-file {absolute path to .bin estimate file} \
                                --run-mode test

6. Running gVAMP on the DNAnexus platform using Docker

First, clone the repository to the local workspace:

git clone

Change the working directory:

cd gVAMP

Modify script (see below for more detailed explanation) and set paths to your data. In the run time, the data directory can be mounted to a specific location in the container.

Then, build docker image:

docker build -t gvamp 

Finnaly, run docker application in detached mode (-d). -v allows mounting local data to your container. Note, that you can specify arbitrary mounted directory instead of /home/mnt, but this has to be consistent with the paths specified in

docker run -d -v {local data directory}:/home/mnt gvamp:latest

By default, the output logs will show in {local data directory}/output/gvamp.log.

Here is a Dockerfile declaration that can be used for running gVAMP on the DNAnexus:

FROM ubuntu
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime && echo Europe/London > /etc/timezone && \
    apt-get update --yes && \ 
    apt-get install build-essential --yes --no-install-recommends && \
    apt install mpich --yes --no-install-recommends && \
    apt install libboost-all-dev --yes --no-install-recommends && \
    apt install git-all --yes --no-install-recommends
RUN git clone
RUN mpic++ ./gVAMP/main_real.cpp ./gVAMP/vamp.cpp ./gVAMP/utilities.cpp ./gVAMP/data.cpp ./gVAMP/options.cpp -march=native -DMANVECT -Ofast -g -fopenmp -lstdc++fs -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -o  ./gVAMP/main_real.exe
CMD sh

where contains:

# Set data directory

# Create output folder in data directory.
mkdir ${OUT_DIR}

# Set parallelization according to available CPU resources

mpirun -np ${NUM_MPI_WORKERS} --allow-run-as-root main_real.exe \
	--model linear \
	--run-mode infere \
	--bim-file ${DATA_DIR}/... \
	--bed-file ${DATA_DIR}/... \
	--phen-files ${DATA_DIR}/... \
	--N ... \
	--Mt ... \
	--out-dir ${OUT_DIR}/ \
	--out-name ... \
	--iterations ... \
	--num-mix-comp ... \
	--probs ... \
	--vars ... \
	--rho ... \
> ${OUT_DIR}/gvamp.log